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There are many ways to contribute to

Connecticut Quest for Peace

Give Household Items

Clean out your closets, drawers and garage and donate only gently used items in good condition to our humanitarian cargo aid program. Your donation is tax deductible.

Lend a hand on CT Quest shipping days and help pack trucks filled with humanitarian cargo aid. Imagine the satisfaction you’ll feel waving off Nicaragua-bound trucks filled with boxes packed with your own hands.

Take an hour and assemble School Kits and Health Kits for Nicaraguan children and families who can’t afford educational supplies or toiletries.

Come to Fiesta Nicaragua, our annual Fall fundraiser. You’ll meet new and old friends and enjoy great Latin food, music and entertainment.

Give Money

Make a tax-deductible donation to a program that you believe should receive additional support. Your donation will give the people of Nicaragua the tools they need to create sustainable communities that will flourish in the future. With more than 97% of all donations going DIRECTLY to our programs in Nicaragua you can be sure that your money is being spent in the best possible way. 

Donate with PayPal

Make checks out to:

Connecticut Quest for Peace, mail to: 

Connecticut Quest for Peace

PO Box 356, Georgetown, CT 06829

Give Talent

Do you have expertise in fundraising, grant writing, website metrics / management, marketing and communications, finance, administration and management, or literature and poetry? Other talents? Do you speak Spanish? Have you traveled to Nicaragua? Your valuable skills are needed to help us organize fundraisers, write grants, improve our website, write online articles, and improve humanitarian programs for needy Nicaraguan families. Contact us for volunteer opportunities.

Organizations Can Contribute

Recycle old computers gathering dust in your school or workplace and donate them to our humanitarian cargo aid program.

Organize your co-workers, students or members of your church, temple or mosque: A workday at our warehouse is a great team-building activity.

Contact us to learn more about clean-up and organizational projects.

Ask your group to explore our website, choose a worthy program and organize a fundraiser.

Find out if your business matches gifts made to CT Quest and double your donation.

Why not encourage co-workers to give as well?

CT Quest for Peace is a non-profit organization with tax exempt status.  All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  The employer identification number for Connecticut Quest for Peace, Inc. is 26-4439286. 


At CT Quest Peace we value your privacy.  Your name and email address will never be lent, sold or given to anyone.


We use PayPal to securely process donations for online donations to CT Quest for Peace. You can complete your payment with just a few clicks. If you don’t have a PayPal account click “Continue” on the bottom left after you have selected the amount you wish to donate.





Quest for Peace

A non-profit organization that provides humanitarian aid to the poor of Nicaragua through a variety of initiatives.

Contact: Maureeen Shanley


Phone: 863.500.9146

Registered Charity: 26-4439286

Connecticut Quest for Peace
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© 2018 by Connecticut Quest for Peace | All Rights Reserved   |   Website by Pequot Marketing, LLC

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